my TEA

by Aon Solutions Greece



TEA Accenture is a Professional Insurance Fund for Accenture employees in Greece in order to maintain their standard of living after retirement.TEA Accenture is one of the most important benefits of the above companies to their employees.Through this application, Fund members can access the online management platform of Aon Solutions, Your Benefit Resources (YBR.). The following services are provided to the members of the Fund:- Access to Fund documents, such as statutes, regulations and applications.- View and change your personal information.- Update on the balance of your personal account.- Monitor the movements of your personal account, such as contributions, redistributions and return on investment.- Access to your personal accounts annual bulletins.- Calculation of the lump sum benefit you would be entitled to if you left the Fund.- Estimate the amount of your personal account in the future.- A tool for calculating net earnings, with which you can see the effect that a possible change in your contribution to TEA will have on your net earnings.